May 9, 2009
12 hr. mountain bike race called Dirt Sweat & Gears
Location: TN
A couple weeks prior to the race I found a local female mountain biker willing to team up with me for this race. I felt I was in over my head doing the 12-hr race solo & it’s much more fun traveling with someone. We waited until just a few days prior to the race to actually register. Our eyes were glued to the forecast and we finally bit the bullet and took the risk, knowing there’s no refund once we commit.
This would have been a fantastic venue and event if it weren’t for the weather. The race started with a 2-hr pour down, which was enough to ruin the single track for the rest of the event (considering there had been ongoing rain for months beforehand). We were hoping to complete each lap within 1-1/2 to 2 hrs. My race partner was going to tackle the first lap. After 3 hours I was concerned. Then out of nowhere she walked up without her bike and informed me of a mechanical problem. Her rear derailleur broke off and didn’t plan on returning to the course.
I knew I had to finish a lap in order to at least earn us 3rd place. There were only 2 other female duo teams so it was worth it for me to finish a lap. I drove all this way and invested money – never wanted to leave with a DNF.
I began around 12:00. The first mile was a loop on the flat field. The single track was so sloppy I opted to ride in the grass instead. Once I reached the opening to the challenging single track I immediately had to get off the bike because the mud was so thick the wheels wouldn’t move. I had never seen anything like it.
After walking for 30 minutes I wondered if I’d ever find a section of the trail to actually "ride." There were a handful of men I caught up to and one by one they dropped out of the race. They were pushing or carrying their bikes just like me. An hour later I wondered if I was the only person left out on the 10-mile trail. Once in awhile a pro would pass me & I was amazed at their ability.
I was pushing my bike in the grass as much as I could to eliminate the mud build-up, but unfortunately I must have rolled over thorns. I ended up with a rear and front flat. At this point riding wasn’t even an option so I was determined to walk a near ½ marathon with my bike.
I ran into some women walking their bikes. One was a pro and the other was an amateur competing as a solo rider. She said she wasn’t giving up no matter what. She had competed in 90 hr adventure races so “this was nothing” she said. A couple hours into the walk my feet began to hurt in the biking shoes. This became my biggest concern…how long I could endure the discomfort.
I made it to some containers of water and was told that this was the ½-way point. Those words were very disheartening. I thought I was further along. For a second I considered taking the shortcut down and calling it quits, but that was short lived. I filled up my water and forged ahead. The second half went much quicker than the first. I think there was more downhill. Still it was tough because I only took a few hundred calories with me, not expecting to be out there so long. So it was hot and I became plenty tired and weak. But my will and mind were strong.
I finally made it down to where the spectators were, but still had over a mile to go. Someone offered me food, but I thought I’d get DQ’d. My teammate came over to say, “You’re bad ass.” She asked if I needed anything and I turned her down. I obviously wasn’t thinking clearly. I had been out there for 4 hrs and only had a little water and maybe 200 calories the whole time. I went a little further and decided to stop at the bike wash and a guy was really nice to wash my bike off for me. He also handed me a beer and PBJ.
I was feeling a 2nd wind to finish the last section of this race, which circled around the spectators and through the finish line. I wasn’t nearly as dirty as everyone else since I only rode for 1 mile, but I had 2 flats and looked pretty exhausted. I got lots of cheers for not giving up. A guy came up to me afterwards and said he was inspired by me because I didn’t give up. It was a good feeling. We earned 3rd place and got some free glasses & other stuff.
Again, this would have been the coolest venue and event if it weren’t for the horrible trail conditions. Of 400 racers 90% had dropped out by 2:00pm and the race wasn’t officially over until 9:00pm. The rain lasted only for a short time at the beginning and the sun came out and warmed things up quite a bit. After finishing we got some free bbq and beer. We hung out and did some “people watching.” We collapsed the tent and packed the car up. As the sun set they called everyone to the finish line and proceeded to wrap up the event. They gave away more prizes than I’ve ever seen…and good quality items including NiteRider lights, sunglasses, socks, helmets, frames, and much more. It was a fun time.
This event reminded me keenly of my experience as a single female; a picky single Christian female. Dirt Sweat and Gears was a lot like my single life.
The trail was a lonely route less traveled. It was hard so many turned back and gave up.
Being a Christian woman on the narrow path God has paved is often a lonely road because it is also less traveled. It is not always easy because there are plenty of shortcut to take, points to turn back, reasons to give up...but I'm unwavering in my quest to do this His way and not my own. Many women settle in order to avoid being alone. Being with "someone" isn't enough in my opinion. I never thought I'd be 37 and single with no kids, but I won't give up just in case there is a special someone out there looking for someone just like me & recognizes my specialness.
The men didn't realize the bigger picture by "finishing" the race. They said things like, "I'm not getting paid to do this. This isn't worth it." Instead, they left the trail, gave up, and preferred drinking beer to enduring the adventure with or without me.
Too many men I have encountered through my lifetime don't:
look deeper,
value character,
want to follow the Author of Love,
show perseverance - patience - determination in life,
want to learn and grow themselves.
I just can't respect that & respect is the first thing I must have before love can even possibly follow.
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