"You won't know your limits until you try to extend them..." Martin Dansky quote

The most recent challenge I'm taking on is the LBL Adventure Race Challenge this weekend.

Why invest the time, energy, planning, expenses, & training for something that won't result in a chance to win $1,000,000?
Why invite pain, injury, psychological ups & downs, and sleep deprivation into my life when everyday life is challenge enough?

Why invite pain, injury, psychological ups & downs, and sleep deprivation into my life when everyday life is challenge enough?

It's always to prove if I can do it. To push my limits. To dig deeper & find strength I didn't know was there. To learn about myself, others, & life. To conquer my doubts.

I anticipate coming away from this challenge with many metaphors, ways I see this race paralleling everyday life challenges & situations. I hear this sort of event is more challenging mentally than it is physically. And since I'm on a 4-person team I expect many lessons to be learned relationally, as well.
After this even I hope to complete the following metaphors plus add more to the list:

I anticipate coming away from this challenge with many metaphors, ways I see this race paralleling everyday life challenges & situations. I hear this sort of event is more challenging mentally than it is physically. And since I'm on a 4-person team I expect many lessons to be learned relationally, as well.
After this even I hope to complete the following metaphors plus add more to the list:
- Packing for an adventure race is like...
- Taking the first step of a 24-hr race is like...
- Following the lead of 3 men is like...